About Us

About Lone Star Windsocks

Lone Star Windsocks is the exclusive online retailer of products manufactured by Windcone Sales Company, LLC. We provide windsocks to customers in the aviation, oil, chemical, transportation and safety industries as well as the military and private companies and institutions. Our windsocks are purchased and used in over 100 countries around the world.

International customers - For smaller shipments, we have use our discounted rates with DHL (www.DHL.com) to provide you with the most economical shipping available. For larger orders, we are more than happy to work with the freight forwarder of your choice to facilitate your export order. We have teamed up with the freight forwarding company, XPO Logistics (www.XPOLogistics.com) and Transpotrade International (www.transpotrade.com), and will obtain shipping and export quotes on your behalf if you are not currently working with a freight forwarding company. Please call or email us with your order and we will get a quote to you as soon as possible. orders@lonestarwindsocks.com; Phone: 512-431-4156

Windcone Sales Company, LLC is a third generation family run business that has been manufacturing windsocks in Texas for over 75 years. If you are interested in becoming a distributor of products manufactured by Windcone Sales Company, LLC, please contact the manufacturer directly: info@windconesales.comPlease visit http://www.windconesales.com for more information.


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